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i know He is able: The Testimony of JESUS is the Spirit of Prophecy

Friday, January 23, 2009

The Testimony of JESUS is the Spirit of Prophecy

l. Return of Elijah

A. What is said concerning Elijah?Mal. 4:5, 6

He will return.

B. What did Jesus say about John the Baptist?Matt. 17:10-13

He was the Elijah which was to come.

C. In what way was John the Baptist the Elijah?Luke 1:17

He was to come in the same spirit and power of Elijah and with amessage similar to Elijah's.

D. What did John say about himself when asked about his identity?John 1:19-23

He denied that he was Elijah. John was trying to turn theirattention to his message ratherthan to himself. It mattered little who he was.

E. How did Jesus express this same truth?Matt. 11:10 ,14

'If you will receive it (the message), this is the Elijah which wasto come.'

II. Apostasy of Ancient Israel

A. Through Ahab's marriage to Jezebel whatconditions did he bring abut in Israel?1 Kings 16:30-33

He led all Israel into idolatry. They were in a state of confusion,trying to worship the Godof heaven and also to follow the teachings of the prophets of Baal.

B.What drastic action did God take to bring them back to Him?1 Kings 17:1

He withheld the rain for three and one half years.James 5:17, 18During this time God protected Elijah from his enemies.

C. At the end of the three-and-one-half-year period whatcommand was given to Elijah?1 Kings 18:1

To go to Ahab.Verses 17, 18

III. Elijah Message

A.What was Elijah's message to the people?Verse 21

If God is the true God, then follow Him, but if Baal, then followhim, but not to try to follow both. When Jesus was on earth the sameproblem existed. The people were trying to follow the traditions of menand also the Scriptures. Jesus always pointed them to the scriptures.Today we have a similar problem in the religious world. We still have thetraditions of our fathers and many, many theories of men that are beingtaught in the churches. At the same time, they still preachfrom the Bible. The Roman Catholic church claims she is the onlyauthority for truth. The Elijah message applies with equal force today:If the Bible is the Word of God, then follow it; but if the Roman Catholicchurch is the authority, then follow her, but don't try to follow both atthe same time. This has brought about the condition in the religiousworld called Babylon' which means confusion.

IV. Church Likened to the Human Body

A.To what does God liken His church in1 Corinthians 12:1 ;12

To the human body with all its members. The gifts in the church arecomparable to the various members of the body.

V. Gifts in the Church

A.Why have these gifts been placed in the church?1 Cor. 12:18 ,25

That there should be no divisions in the church.

B. Name some of the gifts.1 Cor. 12:28 andEphesians 4:11

C.When all of these gifts are in the church and working together harmoniously, what kind of a church will it be? Eph. 4:12-16 NIV

They will perfect and edify the church and also keep out any false doctrines. When all the members and organs of the human body are functioning properly, we have health.' So it is with the church. With all the gifts in the church and functioning properly, we will have a healthy,growing church.

VI. Gift of Prophecy

A. In olden times what was a prophet called?1 Sam. 9:9

A seer. He was the eyes for the church and guided it. When oneloses his sight he stumbles around in darkness. While God's people wereobedient to Him there was a prophet in the church, but when they strayedaway from His commandments, He withdrew the prophet from their midst.See Lam. 2:9 ;Prov. 29:18

The gift of prophecy was in the church during Apostolic times, butlater when the church apostatized there were no longer any prophets thatwe have a record of. During the 1260 year period, when the Papacy ruledthe world, the little church walked almost in total darkness. TheScriptures were precious in those days and were copied by hand.

B. Will the church, which will be waiting for Christ tocome, have all these gifts?1 Cor. 1:6, 7 ,10

It will come behind in no gift. It will also be a united church--notin uniformity, but in unity.Rev. 12:17

VII. Identification of the Remnant Church

A.How is the remnant church identified?Rev. 19:10 ;Rev. 22:9

The gift of prophecy.

VIII. Women Prophetesses

A. Did God give this gift only to men?

Ex. 15:20 ;Judges 4:4 ;2 Kings 22:14Luke 2:36 ;Acts 21:8, 9

No. There were also women prophetesses.

IX. Warning Against False Prophets

A. What warning has been given us concerning false prophets?1 John 4:1;Matt. 24:24

There will be false prophets who will perform miracles so great thatthey will deceive, if possible, the very elect of God.

B. What are the marks of a true prophet?
1. True prophets will be genuine Christians.Matt. 7:15 ,20 ;Gal. 5:22, 23

2. They will teach according to the Scriptures. We are to provethem on this point.1 Thess. 5:19, 21 ;Isa. 8:20

3. No matter if they can perform miracles and yet are teachingcontrary to the scriptures,believe them not, though their predictions even come true.Deut. 13:1-4

4. Their predictions should come true.Deut. 18:22
5. A prophet is unconscious of his surrounding while in vision. Theones in his presence donot see what he is seeing or hear what he is hearing.Dan. 10:7

6. A prophet does not breath while in vision.Dan. 10:17 last part

7.His eyes remain open at times.Num. 24:4

X. Function of Prophets

A. How does God speak to His people?Num. 12:6 ;Amos 3:7

He revealeth Himself and His secrets to His people through the prophets.

B. Why are prophets sent to us?2 Chron. 24:19

To bring us back to God and to His Word.

C. How did God bring His people out of Egypt?Hosea 12:13

By a prophet. Has there ever been a time in the history of thechurch when a prophet was more needed than today with all the confusion there is in the religious world?

XI. All the Gifts Needed in the Church

A. What is the only thing that will bring true prosperityinto the church?2 Chron. 20:20last part.

Believe in the Lord our God and also His prophets. (Perfect vision is20/20 vision.) The church that has this gift will have perfect visionwhich will enable her to see through the darknessof these last days and find her way to the kingdom.

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