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i know He is able: HOW TO BE HAPPY

Thursday, March 16, 2006


Our Father in Heaven wants us to be happy. To be happy, it is important that we each have a happy attitude. JESUS teaches us about this in HIS sermon on the mount. Some one hase called these verses the "be happy attitudes". I encourage you to read them form different translations and even paraphrased versions.

Jesus Teaches On The Mountain
(Luke 6:20-49)
1Jesus saw many people. He went up on the mountain and sat down. His followers came to Him. 2He began to teach them, saying, 3"Those who know there is nothing good in themselves are happy, because the holy nation of heaven is theirs. 4Those who have sorrow are happy, because they will be comforted. 5Those who have no pride in their hearts are happy, because the earth will be given to them. 6Those who are hungry and thirsty to be right with God are happy, because they will be filled. 7Those who show lovingkindness are happy, because they will have loving-kindness shown to them. 8Those who have a pure heart are happy, because they will see God. 9Those who make peace are happy, because they will be called the sons of God. 10Those who have it very hard for doing right are happy, because the holy nation of heaven is theirs. 11You are happy when people act and talk in a bad way to you and make it very hard for you and tell bad things and lies about you because you trust in Me. 12Be glad and full of joy because your reward will be much in heaven. They made it very hard for the early preach-ers who lived a long time before you.

Jesus Teaches About Salt And Light
13"You are the salt of the earth. If salt loses its taste, how can it be made to taste like salt again? It is no good. It is thrown away and people walk on it. 14You are the light of the world. You cannot hide a city that is on a mountain. 15Men do not light a lamp and put it under a basket. They put it on a table so it gives light to all in the house. 16Let your light shine in front of men. Then they will see the good things you do and will honor your Father Who is in heaven.

Jesus Teaches About The Law
17"Do not think that I have come to do away with the Law of Moses or the writings of the early preachers. I have not come to do away with them but to complete them. 18I tell you, as long as heaven and earth last, not one small mark or part of a word will pass away of the Law of Moses until it has all been done. 19Anyone who breaks even the least of the Law of Moses and teaches people not to do what it says, will be called the least in the holy nation of heaven. He who obeys and teaches others to obey what the Law of Moses says, will be called great in the holy nation of heaven. 20I tell you, unless you are more right with God than the teachers of the Law and the proud religious law-keepers, you will never get into the holy nation of heaven.

Jesus Teaches About Anger And Killing
21"You have heard that men were told long ago, 'You must not kill another person. If someone does kill, he will be guilty and will be punished for his wrong-doing.' 22But I tell you that whoever is angry with his brother will be guilty and have to suffer for his wrong-doing. Whoever says to his brother, 'You have no brains,' will have to stand in front of the court. Whoever says, 'You fool,' will be sent to the fire of hell. 23If you take your gift to the altar and remember your brother has something against you, 24leave your gift on the altar. Go and make right what is wrong between you and him. Then come back and give your gift. 25Agree with the one who is against you while you are talking together, or he might take you to court. The court will hand you over to the police. You will be put in prison. 26For sure, I tell you, you will not be let out of prison until you have paid every piece of money of the fine.

Jesus Teaches About Husband And Wife
27"You have heard that it was said long ago, 'You must not do sex sins.' 28But I tell you, anyone who even looks at a woman with a sinful desire of wanting her has already sinned in his heart. 29If your right eye is the reason you sin, take it out and throw it away. It is better to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell. 30If your right hand is the reason you sin, cut it off and throw it away. It is better to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to go to hell.

Jesus Teaches About Marriage
31"It has been said, 'Whoever wants to divorce his wife should have it put in writing, telling her he is leaving her.' 32But I tell you, whoever divorces his wife except if she has not been faithful to him, makes her guilty of a sex sin. Whoever marries a woman who has been divorced is guilty of a sex sin.

Jesus Teaches About What To Say
33"You have heard that it was said long ago, 'You must not make a promise you cannot keep. You must carry out your promises to the Lord.' 34I tell you, do not use strong words when you make a promise. Do not promise by heaven. It is the place where God is. 35Do not promise by earth. It is where He rests His feet. Do not promise by Jerusalem. It is the city of the great King. 36Do not promise by your head. You are not able to make one hair white or black. 37Let your yes be YES. Let your no be NO. Anything more than this comes from the devil.

Jesus Teaches About Fighting
38"You have heard that it has been said, 'An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.' 39But I tell you, do not fight with the man who wants to fight. Whoever hits you on the right side of the face, turn so he can hit the other side also. 40If any person takes you to court to get your shirt, give him your coat also. 41Whoever makes you walk a short way, go with him twice as far. 42Give to any person who asks you for something. Do not say no to the man who wants to use something of yours.

Jesus Teaches About Loving Those Who Hate You
43"You have heard that it has been said, 'You must love your neighbor and hate those who hate you.' 44But I tell you, love those who hate you. (*Respect and give thanks for those who say bad things to you. Do good to those who hate you.) Pray for those who do bad things to you and who make it hard for you. 45Then you may be the sons of your Father Who is in heaven. His sun shines on bad people and on good people. He sends rain on those who are right with God and on those who are not right with God. 46If you love those who love you, what reward can you expect from that? Do not even the tax gatherers do that? 47If you greet only the people you like, are you doing any more than others? The people who do not know God do that much. 48You must be perfect as your Father in heaven is perfect.
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